It was really disappointing, but older version of MP Navigator should help.
Canon's tech support person kept saying MX870 is too old is really not commended attitude. MacOS 10.14 Mojave, the version of the Mac operating system before the new macOS Catalina, is the last version that supports 32-bit software. This version was released less than 10 months ago. 09/10/17. (If you don't change the operating system, the site automatically ditects High Sierra and you won't see the older version of MP Navigator)ĭownload MP Navigator EX Ver. Abandoned as an infant and dragged through the foster care system, she wants nothing more than to belong. They also work in Mavericks and version 10.8.5+ of. Persephone May has been alone her entire life. These two integrated graphics cards are generally only included in prebuilt computers or laptops. Make sure to chose operation system 10.11 or older version. There are also several specialty Haswell processors that use HD 5200 and HD 5000, which are essentially the same as the HD 4600, in terms of compatibility. Also, she kept telling me that 'She doesn't know mach about it.' I ended up asking how to download older version of MP Navigator, which I had already uninstalled. She was eating something and kept saying that 'You have an OLD printer and often time it is not comatible with a very new techology.' We know that, but stating so doesn't help at all. The tech support person who answered was not helpful at all. I called Canon USA support center ( 1 (800) 652-2666).